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All About Gabriel Archangel...

Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel assists with communication and he is the ultimate purifier. His name means...

"Messenger of God"

He brings clarity through communication, purity, and discipline to your life. If you have a need, in any of these areas, call on Gabriel to come in and assist you.

Please don't be shy! We all are carrying this feeling of unworthiness to varying degrees.

You are worthy of Divine help and they can only come in if you ask!

That's how it works. They can not interfere in your process unless you ask. It is up to you to change/alter your course in life and it is easier with Divine help.

(Thereith endith my sermon for the day)


Thank you Glenyss for the loan of the pic :)

if you are struggling with addictions of any kind.... alcohol, drugs, food etc... call on Gabriel Archangel to come in and purify you from the inside out, head to toe and skin to bone (and... everywhere in between).

"Dearest Divine Archangel Gabriel. I ask for your assistance today. I asked that I be cleansed of _______________________. (fill in the blank)

I am eternally grateful for all that you do for me. I love you, I honor you, and I appreciate you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

A personal encounter with Gabriel Archangel...

"I am sitting on my deck (enjoying nature) while typing the invocation above...  I hear the latch on the gate lift and swing open... I can see that no one is there (with my physical eyes that is).

As I tune into the "other realm" I see that Gabriel Archangel has entered my back yard and brought a hummingbird with him. I feel his energy touch me and I am compelled to "fill in the blank" of the invocation above with a personal request..

His warmth enters my body as I feel his purifying light at work. He tells me that the hummingbirds are his calling sign to me. I thank him and express my gratitude."

Wow! That is my life! I am blessed that I experience spiritual connection regularly. Now, clearly, he didn't need to open the gate to enter, yet he used that as a way to get my attention and it worked!

Here is the question I pose to you... how has spirit attracted your attention???

Do you have an Angel encounter to share?

Please share, in detail, your experience at the bottom of the page.

I look forward to reading it!

Selenite Arcgangel Gabriel

A Woo Woo tip...

Call on Gabriel Archangel before you go to sleep and ask him to purify your body, mind or spirit through the night!

Sleeping is valuable time spent rejuvenating your body, let's amp it up and make the most of it!

He may show up as silver or white light sparkles

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Some years ago, every now and then while I was driving, I would have a feeling that someone was holding my forearms. It was like gentle hands holding, …

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