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The 7 Rays of Reiki Enlightenment;
(aka The Seven Rays of Love)

The 7 Rays of Reiki Enlightenment are connected to 7 Archangels and
7 Ascended Masters.

The Archangels and Ascended Masters are both teachers and their connection to each other is strong.

(Reiki attunement at bottom of the page)

The "Seven Rays of Love", as they are sometimes referred to, as well as the "7 colors of the rainbow", represent the seven distinct paths of Spiritual Evolution which we have chosen one of... as we entered into this lifetime.

For clarity;

Each Ray is individually connected to a specific Archangel and a specific Ascended Master

(known as the Chohan of the Ray).

Their "job" is to distribute the knowledge associated with that ray to the beings who are on that spiritual evolutionary path.

One Ray is not better than another... just different.

We are all on our own unique spiritual path!

Hold on to your hats as we dive deeper into the
7 Rays of Reiki Enlightenment

The 1st Ray...

... Is "Power & Will".


The positive aspect of this Ray is it teaches us to let go! This allows us to move through our processes to create change within ourselves and within our life in general. Those on this path exhibit strength and courage, two aspects required to facilitate change.

Vision and leadership are aspects of this ray as well.

Patience, sympathy, tolerance, humility are what we strive to achieve on this path.


Ah...well...that would be pride, arrogance, controlling... get the picture?

When you put your will in front of the will of "that which is greater than you" (your God of choice) that is when the negative aspect is in charge.

The 2nd Ray...

... Is the Ray of Love & Wisdom


One of the main positive aspects of this ray is compassion. Through caring for others, we learn that when we give of ourselves to make others feel safe and comfortable, we grow personally as human beings. Our spirit grows!

Other aspects are healing and teaching.


A lack of faith and being self-centered, which can lead into depression.

The 3rd Ray...

... is the Ray of Creative Active Intelligence & Collective Communication (aka holy spirit)


Well, this is really about "Grace" and the allowing of all parts to come together to create change with the ability to see the bigger picture. Trusting, believing in others, being responsible and organized are all aspects of this Ray.


The tendency to be drawn in too many directions, complaining about not enough time, a lack of sharing, takes credit for others ideas. Oy vey!

The 4th Ray... (click here for more info)

... is "Harmony Through Conflict".


The ability to see harmony and beauty around you. For example; to sit in nature and observe the divine order of it all.


Allowing worry & frustration to "take you out". (To remove you from the joy and peace.) Also, one is unable to easily feel love.

The 5th Ray...

... the Ray of Concrete Science and Revelation


A revelation of knowledge where there is no veil and you see things as they are. This is about being in the moment where you are seeing the truth of what is occurring. Writers/narrators do this at their best as they are communicating their truth through stories.


One can be shut down, going through life with blinders on, have a "my way or the highway" attitude and be resistant to change.

The 6th Ray...

.... of Revelation & Reverence


Ah...These are our saints and devout spiritual seekers. This positive aspect causes one to strive for spiritual quests and deep spiritual knowledge.


An altered view of reality, a need for material possessions, addictions of all kinds, can be obstructed by lower astral forces

The 7th Ray...

...is the Ray of Ceremonial Order & Right Relationship.


This is all things working in harmony, with sacred geometry being a divine example of that.


Rigidity, prejudice, clique, 

The over-view of the 7 Rays of Reiki Enlightenment....

... Is intended to awaken the desire to learn more and become a student of service by sharing this knowledge of how you can empower and effect/heal your life with your friends and family.

It is my mission to assist others in their personal growth and as I continue on my personal growth path, I am committed to sharing what I learn.

Please feel free to Facebook share my page (the icon is at the left of the screen) and/or copy the URL (Highlight it and right click, selecting copy), pasting it in an email for your friends to enjoy.

I ask that you please not copy the actual content of the page though and instead direct your friends to visit here.

I am so grateful for Spirit to guide me to create this website and I am so grateful to all those who "show up" to see the creation unfold.

With much love,

The Woo Woo Diva

And Now for Something Super Special...

A Reiki self-attunement!!!

A Woo Woo Diva guided meditation gift for you!

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