Home < 7 Archangels
If you need their assistance, as James Taylor sang,
"all you have to do is call". ♪ ♫ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♩
There are 9 Choirs of Angels; (the higher on the list, the closer to the Divine)
The Archangels are relatively close to the material world (what I mean by that is... they are easily accessed by us) and they are super easy to work with!
You may have worked with them before without being aware of it.
They each have a specialty, though any one of them can help with any given situation.
Thank you Glenyss for the use of this beautiful etheric picture :)
Click on their names below to learn more!
Michael is a protector and his powerful sword cuts through darkness and
negativity. Call on Michael when you need courage, guidance and strength
to move forward in your life. |
Archangel Gabriel is the "messenger" angel. Gabriel helps us to see the messages all around us that the universe provides (This acts as a guidance system in this lifetime). If you are in need of a "sign", or purification, ask Gabriel for assistance. |
Raphael is the healer. He works closely with healers, themselves, as well as provides direct healing energy when called upon for those who need it. Sensitive individuals may see emerald green light when working with Raphael. |
Uriel helps us to find the light within us all and represents the wisdom divine. He/she can ignite us with passion and help us to find our life purpose. |
Jophiel brings illumination, joy and the ability to see the beauty all around us. She helps with creative pursuits and is only a call away when you need assistance in this area of your life. |
Chamuel is love and can lift you out of lower emotions such as depression and sorrow. He is also known as the "finder of lost things". Call on Archangel Chamuel to find any lost items, even if that lost item is a part of yourself, an aspect of you that hasn't been seen in a while. |
Zadkiel is the Archangel of benevolence and mercy. If you need assistance with forgiveness, for either yourself or others, call on Zadkiel for help. |
Through this introduction of the 7 Archangels, I hope I have ignited a spark of interest for you to explore further.
This book continues to be a valuable resource for me and I strongly recommend adding it to your library.
When in doubt just make up the words to use and call in the Archangel that you are currently being drawn to (what I am saying is that you don't need to know who does what to receive help from them). For example; "Archangel Michael I ask for your assistance now for an energy clearing on my four body system. I ask you to bring in which ever white light high energy Being you suggest to assist you with this....thank you."
It's as simple as that :)
As you grow, learn and work with them more often, you will "fine tune" your energy (like a stereo receiver). It will become easier and your results will be extraordinary! Anyway, that's my take on it :) Talk to you soon, Ahrina |