Archangel Chamuel...

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Gabriel Archangel

He is love and he can lift you out of the lower, heavier energies of sadness and depression. He is very good at what he does, so if you are  experiencing great sadness or depression, please ask for his help. He will immediately come and begin the healing process.

His name means...

"He Who Seeks God"

He is the angel to call on when you are in need of healing your heart. He can assist in all love relationships and help us to see the love inside of everyone.

I think everyone can use a little healing in their heart center. We often become emotionally bruised, shall I say, and when that happens we tend to shut that center down a little bit. I know that I enjoy life more when I live it "heart center open". I often ask Chamuel for a heart center sweep out! :)

Thank you Glenyss for the loan of the pic :)

If you are struggling to stay in your heart center, ask Chamuel to help! He can bring in gentleness, healing, adoration and heal anxiety.

He is one big love bubble :)

Here is a prayer/invocation to work with Chamuel;

"Dearest Divine Archangel Chamuel,

I love you, I honor you and I appreciate you. I ask for your assistance today. Help me to stay open in a state of love through all that I experience and I ask to see the love and godliness in all whom I encounter.

I am eternally grateful for all that you do for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

If you have relationships which are what I call "bristly" and in need of some peaceful relationship building in your life... call on Archangel Chamuel to help!

Selenite Arcgangel Gabriel

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