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Communicating with Angels


You may be asking yourself, "how do I do this?"

Well here it goes....the tool for connecting with these Divine Beings is....hold on to your hats my friends cause this...is....BIG!

Drum roll please..........

Talk to them.

Yup, you got that right. Okay, so not nearly as dramatic as I built it up to be but, you see, the angels are always near. When you call out to them they are immediately by your side.

Communicating With Angels

Thank you for the use of the pic Glenyss

Very cool indeed.

It is their pleasure to come to you as needed.

When communicating with Angels...

... sometimes you may see a sparkle of light in the air as they "zap" in.

(That's what I call it as they "flash in" from elsewhere). It's like having a direct line to the celestial realm.

Depending on your level of sensitivity you may feel a thickness in the air, as they move in close to you.

Talk to them now...

Communicating with angels is easy.

Call out to whichever Angel you feel drawn to at this moment. Here, I'll do it with you;

"Archangel Michael... I ask for your assistance now.

I ask that your powerful sword break any and all cords that are affecting me negatively.

I ask that my four body system be clear of negative emotion.

Archangel Michael

I ask that your powerful hands be brought through these systems to clear my energy on all levels. I ask that my body be filled with white light. That every cell and every space between the cells be filled with vibrant white light. Thank you for your assistance in this."

Just...like...that! Easy peasy!

CLICK HERE to read about Archangel Michael

Just a side note...

There are tool to assist you in communicating with Angels, that will help while you are on your path of personal and spiritual growth. The great thing about this is that you can use them on a daily basis.

Angel Tarot Cards are an easy way to receive messages from the angelic realm. Pendulums and Runes are other useful tools as well.

Here is my personal experience in communicating with Angels...

Sometimes the Angels decide that they are going to start the communication process!!

I was chatting on the phone with a friend, when I heard a loud knock on the back door. The knock was solid and even my friend heard it through the phone.

I opened the door....no one was there! I thought it was weird (now you have to understand...weird stuff happens to me a lot), we talked about it briefly and then went back to our conversation. A few weeks later the subject was brought up again quite unexpectedly....

That same friend and I were at a gathering where a woman was doing mediumship (yup, she sees dead people).

It was my turn to sit in the "hot seat". That's what we jokingly called the chair at the front of the room.

There were 9 of us there, each taking a turn getting a reading.

The Medium said, "You heard a knock on your door lately." It wasn't phrased as a question. She was making a clear statement and honestly, I had forgotten all about it.

I was stumped, when the friend who had been on the phone with me spoke up and reminded me about it.

The Medium stated, "That was Archangel Ariel announcing her presence." I was stunned! That was a moment of realization....my turning point...Prior to that I would only ask the angels for help if it was something big (and not often), feeling like I was monopolizing their time and possibly feeling a wee bit unworthy.

Now I get it! We are all worthy and ask away! They are here to help anytime. Not just with the big things but anything... and don't ever think you're not worthy or you ask too much.

I now feel closely connected and talk to them daily. Thank you Ariel for starting the communicating process!

If you would like to learn to communicate with your angels, I would suggest Doreen Virtue's two books;

Click Below To Purchase

I really love the section in "Healing With The Angels " where you are given the meanings of specific number combinations. For example 555, which I am getting all the time, "Buckle your seat belts a major life change is upon you".

As a fantastic resource book "The Angel Therapy Handbook", is a must-have for all spiritual seekers!
(Which is what I call "us" on the spiritual path)

Doreen takes the information from her angel practitioners course and bound it in a book!

Just lovely!

The Angels are communicating with us regularly.

If you pay attention you will hear them and having a book to guide you through the process is handy! 

Good luck on your journey in Communicating with Angels :-)

Much Love,

Ahrina Kay

The Woo Woo Diva

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